CertExams.com Simulator Lab Exercises Answers
Description: Lab exercise explains configuring IPSEC Phase 2 VPN tunnel
Command Syntax:
[edit security ipsec] user@srx#show vpn <vpn-name>{ bind-interface st0.x; -------------------- is necessary only for route based VPNs ike { gateway <gateway-name>; ipsec-policy <policy-name>; } manual { --------------------------- is necessary if using manual key } establish-tunnels [immediately | on-traffic]; }
Network Diagram:
1. Specify the IKE gateway.
2. Specify the IPsec Phase 2 policy.
3. Specify that the tunnel be brought up immediately without waiting for a verification packet to be sent.
Please refer to the CertExams.com Juniper Network Simulator software for complete lab.