CertExams.com Simulator Lab Exercises Answers
Description : This lab exercise demonstrates trunk concept in VLANs. i.e with trunk set up on only one of the the two switches and see that ping fails from R1 to WS1, correct the configuration by setting up trunk on both the switches and verifying the same.
1. Configure
Work station WS1 with IP Address and a default-gateway
2. Configure Router R1
Ethernet interface with IP Address
3. Check ping from WS1 to R1
and see that it is successful
4. Configure SW1 with vtp
domain cisco, password ccna and create VLANs 50, 60 and 70 on it
5. Issue show vlan and show
vtp status commands and verify the configurations
6. Configure SW2 with vtp
domain cisco, password ccna and create VLAN 50 on it and verify the same
using show vlan and show vtp status commands
7. On SW1, configure port fa
0/1 to VLAN 50 and check the same using show vlan command
8. On SW2 also, configure
port fa 0/1 to VLAN 50 and check the same using show vlan command
9. Now ping from WS1 to R1
and see that it fails as there is no trunk line enabled to carry traffic
on any VLAN
10. Configure trunk on fa0/12 port of SW1
and now ping form WS1 to R1 and see that it fails because trunk is to be
configured on both the switches to carry traffic
11. Now configure trunk on
SW2 also on fa 0/12 port and issue appropriate show commands to check
the same
12. Ping from WS1 to R1 and
see that ping is now successful
Note: Please refer to the CertExams.com Network Simulator software for complete lab with commands.