CertExams.com Simulator Lab Exercises Answers
Description : The lab exercise explains enabling or disabling the WLAN
1. Click Wireless Simulator button to open WLC simulator window. In the WLC simulator window click WLAN tab to navigate to the WLANs page.
2. This page lists all of the WLANs currently configured on the controller.
3. To enable or disable WLANs from the WLANs page select the WLANs that you want to enable or disable, choose Enable Selected from the drop-down list, and click Go button.
4. Alternatively you can also enable or disable by clicking WLANID from the available WLAN list, a WLAN > Edit page appears. In the WLANs > Edit page enable WLAN by clicking Status checkbox and click "Apply" button.
Please refer to the CertExams.com Network Simulator software for complete lab with commands.