CertExams.com Simulator Lab Exercises Answers

Basic show commands

Description: A basic exercise to get familiar and understand the various show commands available in the
privileged mode.


1. Enter into privileged mode

2. Show running-config displays the active configuration in memory. The currently active configuration

script running on the router is referred to as the running-config in the router’s CLI

3. Show flash memory. Flash memory is a special kind of memory that contains the operating system image file(s) on the router

4. Show history command displays all the past commands still present in router’s memory

5. Show protocols command displays the protocols running on your router

6. Show version command displays critical information, such as router platform type, operating system revision, operating system last boot time and file location, amount of memory, number of interfaces, and configuration register

7. Show clock command displays the router’s clock

8. Show hosts command displays list of hosts and all their interfaces IP Addresses

9. Show users command displays list of users who are connected to the router

10. Show interfaces command displays detailed information about each interface

R1#show running-config
R1#show flash
R1#show history
R1#show protocols
R1#show version
R1#show clock
R1#show hosts
R1#show interfaces

Note: Please refer to the CertExams.com Network Simulator software for complete lab with commands.

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